miércoles, 3 de abril de 2013

Las faltas de ortografía no son lo más importante.

Aquí os comparto esto que me ha pasado Marie. Me parece un ejemplo excelente de lo que NO hay que hacer NUNCA cuando nuestros hijos nos muestran lo que han escrito.

“So, what did I do with my kids? Well, I unschooled them. But like a lot of wives out there, my husband wasn’t always as supportive of unschooling. He has trust issues (and after all the years he spent in school, no wonder he did). So, every once in awhile he would have me do something ‘schoolish’ with the kids. You know, just to be sure they were learning. One of the most painful memories of this ‘schoolishness’ was when our firstborn, then about 9 (he is now 22), came to show me a book he had been writing and illustrating. It was awesome, I did tell him that. It was 40+ pages in a spiral notebook. He’d really been working hard on it. But of course the spelling and punctuation weren’t great. So, per my husband’s suggestion, I proofread a page or two. My son was crestfallen. He didn’t want me to be a teacher and do that. He wanted me to be a reader, enjoy his story and discuss it with me. I remember how hurt he looked when I made marks on his writing. He never showed me anything he ever wrote again, and he didn’t write for a long time. It still hurts me when I write this. Of course, I apologized and asked him to forgive me for being a ‘teacher’ instead of a ‘reader’, and he did. But, the damage was done, for quite a bit of time. By overlooking his wonderful story to point out misspelled words, I devalued my son’s burgeoning written voice.”
Aquí podéis leer más:


En este video nuestra hija nos explica cómo ha aprendido a leer y escribir de una forma muy autónoma.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hombre es complicado tener una opinión sobre ello. En mi mente escolarizada corregirle es lo primero que haría pero claro si la intención del niño es enseñarte su obra, ¿por qué corregirle? ¿No nos molesta a nosotros mismos cuando mostramos algo que nos saquen faltas?
    Es más creo que yo he aprendido mucho más sobre escritura leyendo y escribiendo que en el colegio y con correcciones. De verdad aprendí a poner los acentos cuando empecé a trabajar y tenía que escribir y escribir.

    1. Yo también he aprendido a escribir sin tantas faltas de mayor, cuando he querido escribir para los demás. Este niño no buscaba en su madre a una profe que le corrigiera sino a una lectora. A mi hija Ainara le está pasando algo similar ahora con su blog. Ella escribe y si no me pide que se lo lea o le corrija, yo no lo hago...
