lunes, 22 de abril de 2013

Este nuevo BLOG promete.

Aquí os dejo este blog de una hija ya adulta educada en casa. Ella muestra hojas del diario de su mamá en los años 80. La verdad es que promete.

Aquí os copio un poco de su primera entrada:
"I am nearly the age my mother was when I was born. And I have been looking
back at her choices, her experience as a parent. I have been looking at
myself and my sisters. Who we are, now, as shaped by the unconventional
approach to our education.

I am writing this blog to ask the question: what is the difference is
between the first generation of homeschooling parents to bring the idea
into the mainstream, and the first generation of homeschooled and
unschooled adults to reach parenting age? In that space and time between
generations, what have we learned? How have we changed? What would I do
differently from my mom?"


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