miércoles, 25 de diciembre de 2013

LIBRO: Técnicas eficaces para padres.

Firstly, PET points out that different behaviors are acceptable in different situations, to different people, and at different times. Say, for example, a boy throws a ball in the house. This might be perfectly acceptable to his dad who is pleased to see his son’s developing skills, but totally unacceptable to his mom who is worried that her vase might get broken. The behavior itself is not inherently good or bad but where and when it takes place, and who is affected by it, determines parental reactions. The PET method encourages families to identify whether there is a problem and, if so, who owns the problem. Next, parents learn the valuable skill of active listening to better understand their children’s feelings and problems and to then effectively and honestly communicate their own problems. In our example, the problem belongs to the mother who needs to say, “I’m really worried my vase will be knocked over and broken.” The final stage is for parents and children to work together to come up with a solution acceptable to all parties. For example, the father and son might move outside or to a playroom to continue the ball game. This method is a positive approach to parenting, based on mutual respect.
Todo y que el titulo del libro no me gusta demasiado... he de decir que me gustó gran parte de este. Nos habla de como podemos respetar más a nuestros hijos y nos da muchas alternativas a la crianza convencional. Ya sabéis que nosotros defendemos una crianza con conciencia.


2 comentarios:

  1. Gracias Yvonne.
    El titulo no invita a comprarlo jejeje, me alegro que apesar de ello sea una lectura positiva.

  2. Yo lo leí ya hace varios años pero recuerdo capítulos enteros que me gustaron mucho. Hay partes que seguro no nos dicen mucho de nuevo... Es un estilo al "Cómo hablar a nuestros hijos para que escuchen y como escuchar a nuestros hijos para que nos hablen".
    Un beso.
