domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2012

FRASES que me inspiran.

 Muchas de estas "frases" las he copiado literalmente del foro "AlwaysLearning". Son algunas de las respuestas que dan Sandra Dodd, Joyce Fetteroll y Pam Sorooshian entre muchas otras. No doy abasto a leerlo todo. Hay más de 3000 personas subscritas.
"Let me sum up what I have been saying about learning. I believe that we learn best when we, not others, are deciding what we are going to try to learn, and when, and how, and for what reasons or purposes; when we, not others, are in the end choosing the people, materials, and experiences from which and with which we will be learning; when we, not others, are judging how easily or quickly or well we are learning, and when we have learned enough; and above all when we feel the wholeness and openness of the world around us, and our own freedom and power and competence in it."
~ John Holt, What Do I Do Monday?
"Next to the right to life itself, the most fundamental of all human rights is the right to control our own minds and thoughts. That means, the right to decide for ourselves how we will explore the world around us, think about our own and other persons' experiences, and find and make the meaning of our own lives. Whoever takes that right away from us, as the educators do, attacks the very center of our being and does us a most profound and lasting injury. He tells us, in effect, that we cannot be trusted even to think, that for all our lives we must depend on others to tell us the meaning of our world and our lives, and that any meaning we may make for ourselves, out of our own experience, has no value."
~ John Holt, Instead of Education

Read a little, try a little, wait a while, watch. Read a little more... try a little...
Gradually you will notice more and more learning, and soon it will be happening all the time!

Sandra Dodd.

Don't look at what can be learned. Look at what IS learned. If the parents can change their point of view and expectations and understanding well enough, they will see learning all the time.
There's no advantage in looking at what you wish or hope a child will learn. Look at what he learns.

Sandra Dodd.

If unschooling is seen as a philosophy to understand and make work in the home so that kids can learn what they need by exploring their interests, then the answer doesn't have much meaning.
I could make an argument there are no unschoolers. There are parents who are using the unschooling philosophy to create an atmosphere in their home that supports kids learning through their interests. And there are kids who are living and learning in that environment.
Joyce Fetteroll.

Unschooling works for all kids.

The question, though, is Can unschooling work for a MOM WHO SEES HER KID AS a "kid who likes to be in charge but doesn't take responsibility for anything, who gets bored with things that are easy but fears challenge, who has a short attention span and looks to others to keep her motivated/engaged, who immediately rebels against anything that looks/sounds/feels schoolish, who wants to experience new things all the time but isn't at all interested in exploring anything deeply?"

Joyce Fetteroll.

If you can see her for the wonder that she is, if you can embrace her exactly as she is, then you'll be able to create an environment that supports her exploring what interests her. If you can't, you'll be less likely to damage your relationship if you put her in school so at least you aren't the one pushing her to be someone other than who she is.

Joyce Fetteroll.

Unschooling won't work well unless parents are enthusiastic and energetic. Any parent who wants to find out how little she can do to still be technically considered to be unschooling is NOT going to be a successful unschooler. Her children will suffer, they won't learn as much as they would have if she had been more engaged and engaging, and the relationships other unschoolers are so excited about won't happen.

Those things don't happen because someone joins this discussion or subscribes to information from Pam Laricchia, or memorizes Joyce-Fetteroll quotes. It only happens when they DO it... when they create and maintain a rich environment in which learning can and does flourish.

If they don't do it well, they are still doing something, but it's more likely to be neglect than unschooling.
Sandra Dodd.

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