miércoles, 4 de julio de 2012

The Daily Groove - Scott Noelle.

THE DAILY GROOVE ~ by Scott Noelle

:: Blessing the Mirror ::
Today, stand before a mirror and bless it for the gift
of reflection...
    Thank you, blessed mirror, for helping me
    see myself, so I can use that awareness to
    express myself more authentically.
    Thank you for letting me see when my face
    shows signs of stress, so I can shift my
    thinking until my reflection indicates that
    I've found my way back to Well-Being.
You know where this is going, don't you? . . .
Your *child* is the mirror!
When you don't like what you see in your child,
there's a good chance s/he's reflecting some aspect of
yourself that's out of alignment with Who You Really Are.
Be open to seeing that. And remember that it's rarely
a *literal* reflection. Children often reflect their
parents' shadows in exaggerated or quirky ways.
Follow your intuition.
Bless your beloved "mirror" and focus on being true
to your Self. Eventually, your child will reflect that
Truth back to you.

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